Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing #22: Podcasts

I've subscribed to a number of podcasts over the last few years, some of which are now defunct or very irregular; as with blogs, the upkeep of them can be daunting.

Searching for library-related podcasts in the available search tools can yield some surprising results - search for "library" in PodcastAlley, for example, and you get not only the "Library Survival Guide" and the Salt Lake County Library podcasts, but also "Erotic Xpressions from the Lusty Library" - so search with caution!

Some library-related podcasts stand out: Denver PL's podcasts include readings of children's books (apparently they have contracted with certain publishers to allow this). The Seattle Public Library has podcasts aimed at both adults and teens. Some library-related podcasts are aimed at librarians, such as "Uncontrolled Vocabulary" (note to Michael: sorry, but you are a number; this is a global Village, after all). Nothing wrong with that, but it's an inherently limited audience.

As I type this, I have just finished editing our library's 56th podcast, which should be posted tomorrow. We regard our podcasts as being part of our Readers' Advisory services, with (usually) weekly talk-show format programs discussing books. We also regard some of our podcasts as a way to make some of our programming, including book talks, guest speakers, and other events, available to a wider audience. Making these live recordings listenable can be a challenge, but at their best the results can be very interesting and fun to listen to.

For those interested: our podcasts are also available through the iTunes store.

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